I love everything vintage, especially the 1950s style. This drawing makes me think of a book I read a few years ago: 'The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid" by one of my favorite authors, Bill Bryson. In this memoir he re-creates the life of his family and his native city in the 1950s. For this drawing I used my Posca pens and colored pencils.A few years ago, I made this spread in my big Moleskin sketchbook. These are all excerpts from a wonderful diary that my maternal grandfather left us. I picked some fragments to write down about him going to America with his family when he was only 17, but also about his experiences during WW I when he just returned from there.Now I'm working on a new concertina book about this America adventure, rearranging the fragments into another size of paper and leaving out the war-section. I added a small family tree for better understanding.I like to draw plants in a medieval way ánd I love this poem from Edwin Morgan about strawberries. And so, the two came together in my sketchbook. Don't know if I'm going to add some colors or not, what do you think?
AuthorJoke Boudens Archives
December 2024
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