What to do if you are out of inspiration but you, at all cost, want to put that pen to the paper? My solution is to copy a nice black and white photo. You don't have to think a lot and meanwhile you keep busy! I first drew a grid with squares from 1 to 1 cm. I did it on the photo and on my paper. After that you can start filing in all the squares just as you see it on the photo. Here I used stippling. Stippling is a drawing technique in which areas of light and shadow are created using nothing but dots. The basic idea is simple: for darker areas, you apply a greater number of dots and keep them close together. Then for progressively lighter areas, use fewer dots and space them farther apart. Below is the picture of my mother. Underneath is my grandfather, the first portrait I made, using this technique. I realize now that the one with my grandfather was a lot easier to draw.Our garden has never ever been so beautiful in all it's glory of fluorescent shades of blue: wisteria, bluebells, forget-me-nots, and the radiant white flowers of the Mexican orange blossom and the Solomon's seal. And each one of them has it's specific scent! We enjoy this view so much. Within a few weeks the garden will have a totally different look!
What was paradise but a garden, an orchard of trees and herbs, full of pleasure and nothing there but delights. WILLIAM LAWSON Slechts 3 weken tussen foto links en foto rechts, het groen groeit aan! De haagbeuk (Carpinus betulus) werpt zijn bruine bladeren af, de groene plooirokjes verschijnen.
Only 3 weeks between picture on the left and picture on the right, the green is growing! Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) is getting rid of her brown leaves, her green pleated skirts are showing up. Deze mooie zwart-witfoto van een winters Brugge werd in 1952 genomen door mijn vader. Kan iemand bedenken waar de foto genomen werd?
This beautiful black-and-white-photo of a winterly Bruges was taken by my father in 1952. Geen witte Kerst dit jaar. Deze foto van vele jaren geleden doet me wegmijmeren. Zo sprookjesachtig kan de winter zelfs hier zijn, maar we vergeten zo vlug.
No white Christmas this year. This picture, taken many years ago, makes me dream. So fairylike can winter be, even here. Quickly we forget. |
AuthorJoke Boudens Archives
December 2024
Copyright Joke Boudens 2015. All images and content are the property of Joke Boudens unless otherwise noted.