Bedankt voor jullie deelname en de hartelijke berichtjes die ik kreeg. Ik heb ze alle met veel plezier gelezen! Thank you all for your wholehearted participation and the messages you wrote. I truly enjoyed reading all of them! And the winner is: Karen Joy Salvador Congratulations! This little green bug is coming your way soon! |
It's the start of a new year and that's a good reason for having another GIVEAWAY!
You can be the winner of this small, original watercolor beetle. Anyone can enter, I'll ship anywhere in the world. Deadline is Friday, January 19th, 2018. I'll use a random number generator to pick a winner from all those entered and will announce the winner right here on Saturday 20th. GOOD LUCK! To enter: you write in the comments below why you would like to win this original illustration :) De start van het nieuwe jaar is hét moment voor weer een WEGGEVERTJE! Je kan deze originele aquarel-kever winnen en iedereen kan deelnemen. Deadline is vrijdag 19 januari 2018. Ik gebruik een random generator om de winnaar te trekken. Die maak ik dan bekend op deze blog op zaterdag 20 januari. SUCCES! Om deel te nemen: schrijf in de comments hieronder waarom je graag dit originele werkje wil winnen :) First of all I want to say that I'm really grateful that so many visitors came to this blog over the last year. You all gave and give me energy and inspiration. Have a wonderful 2018. A new year can bring joy and anticipation, the hope of a fresh start, new goals, and a renewed sense of perspective. Lets start this year with a smile and confidence! For those who had a rough year, may your worries be less and may happiness, joy and tranquility come through your door this year! See more of this 'PENS' illustration on
AuthorJoke Boudens Archives
December 2024
Copyright Joke Boudens 2015. All images and content are the property of Joke Boudens unless otherwise noted.