I frequently get asked how I proceed in making my concertina books. Well, using this new 'travel' booklet (not yet finished) I can demonstrate that because I started it recently and I can still figure out all of the steps. First of all, wherever I am, I take a lot of notes. When back home, I look up information online. For this book, I started painting a detail from a trompe-l'oeil from the Cathedral Sainte-Cécile in Albi (France). I was really overwhelmed by the many murals I saw there. Based on the pictures taken there, I chose a simple design in shades of gray. Then I drew the text La Montagne Noir and I painted it in with gouache. The firebugs came next. I had made some sketches on the spot: there were plenty of them on the hibiscus near our cottage. Next steps were the name of our village, the explanatory text about the murals (found online) and the names of some towns and villages that we visited. There, the first steps have been taken, one and a half page to go!
Ik krijg regelmatig de vraag hoe ik bij zo'n accordeonboekje te werk ga. Aan de hand van dit (nog niet afgewerkte) boekje kan ik dit aantonen, want het is niet zo lang geleden aangezet en ik kan alle stappen nog goed achterhalen. Om te beginnen neem ik op reis veel notities. Achtergrondinformatie zoek ik later op online. Hier ben ik begonnen met het schilderen van een detail uit een trompe-l'oeil uit de kathedraal Sainte-Cécile te Albi. Ik was werkelijk overdonderd door de vele muurschilderingen die ik daar zag. Aan de hand van de daar genomen foto's heb ik voor mijn boekje gekozen voor een eenvoudig ontwerp in grijstinten. Daarna tekende ik de tekst La Montagne noir en schilderde ik die in met gouache. Vervolgens kwamen de vuurwantsen aan de beurt. Daarvan had ik ter plaatse wat schetsen gemaakt: de hibiscussen bij ons vakantiehuisje zaten er vol van. Volgende stappen waren de naam van ons dorp bovenaan. de verklarende tekst over de muurschilderingen (gevonden online) en de namen van een aantal stadjes en dorpen die we bezochten. Ziezo, de eerste stappen zijn gezet, nog anderhalve bladzijde te gaan!
I frequently get asked how I proceed in making my concertina books. Well, using this new 'travel' booklet (not yet finished) I can demonstrate that because I started it recently and I can still figure out all of the steps. First of all, wherever I am, I take a lot of notes. When back home, I look up information online. For this book, I started painting a detail from a trompe-l'oeil from the Cathedral Sainte-Cécile in Albi (France). I was really overwhelmed by the many murals I saw there. Based on the pictures taken there, I chose a simple design in shades of gray. Then I drew the text La Montagne Noir and I painted it in with gouache. The firebugs came next. I had made some sketches on the spot: there were plenty of them on the hibiscus near our cottage. Next steps were the name of our village, the explanatory text about the murals (found online) and the names of some towns and villages that we visited. There, the first steps have been taken, one and a half page to go!
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AuthorJoke Boudens Archives
December 2024
Copyright Joke Boudens 2015. All images and content are the property of Joke Boudens unless otherwise noted.