Teddy bear was named after President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt who, during a hunt, refused to shoot a captured bear. Needless to say, the press heard of this event. It inspired cartoonist Clifford Berryman for a cartoon which appeared in almost all major newspapers. The owner of a small candy store in Brooklyn made a small toy bear like the one on the cartoon and put him on display along with a sign saying "Teddy's bear". There was so much demand for the bear that Michtom closed his candy store within a year and, in 1907, founded a toy factory which is still one of the largest in the world.
En dit verhaal inspireerde me bij het maken van een beer-illustratie voor de geboorte van een allerliefste baby met de naam Lukas.
And this history inspired me to make a bear illustration to celebrate the birth of a lovely baby boy named Lukas.