Dit detail uit één van mijn accordeonboekjes toont een kort fragment uit deze roman waar Couperus heel filmisch de natuur beschrijft, prachtig! Ik gebruikte de warme kleuren roodbruin en geel die me doen denken aan Nederlands Indië.
In "The Hidden Force", novel by the Dutch writer Louis Couperus (1863 – 1923), the decline and fall of the Dutch resident Van Oudyck is caused by his inability to see further than his own Western rationalism. He is blind and deaf to the slumbering powers of the East Indian people and countryside. The black magic, bird calls, vegetation, heat and the mysterious, hostile attitude of their Javanese subjects prove stronger than the cool power of the colonials.
This detail from one of my leporello books shows a short fragment from the novel where Couperus describes nature in a cinematic way, beautiful! I used the warm colours reddish-brown and yellow because they make me think of the Dutch East Indies.